iCalculate's Studio.

iCalculate's Studio.

it's better to burn out than to fade away

Literature research website

Dude, how long has it been since you kept track of the latest literature?

Take a look at the latest scientific discoveries and cutting-edge technologies, caveman!

My personal TODO list
Science Communication
TalksA scientific talk is not a scientific paper, it is a completely different medium! Here are a few tips that I find useful. How To Give a Talk[How To Give a Talk, by David L Stern.] Excerpt: Principle 1 - Don’t Put Words On SlidesIt may not seem intuitive, but including words on slides has a ...
How to give a talk

In this blog, I will share insights on improving scientific presentations. I highlight common issues such as lack of enthusiasm, use of jargon, and excessive visual distractions. I introduce a series of simple principles to make presentations engaging, akin to captivating conversations with friends. These principles include speaking plainly and slowly, staying true to oneself, avoiding the trap of turning a talk into a paper, and refraining from overwhelming the audience with excessive information. Through these principles, I aim to help individuals elevate the quality of their presentations, transforming scientific talks into enjoyable experiences.

SR400 photon counter delay scan demo


COMSOL script for random object generation

The comsol geometry generation script developed based on java can generate randomly distributed geometry structures (circles) in two-dimensional geometry space without overlapping each other, and can customize parameters such as generation space, particle size, and particle spacing. Running the script may enter an infinite loop, so you can manually terminate the script.

LakeShore Model 335 Python控制脚本
Model 335 Cryogenic Temperature ControllerThe Model 335 measures and controls cryogenic temperature environments. More information about the instrument can be found on our website including the manual which has a list of all commands and queries. Example ScriptsSetting a temperature curve12345678...
Du Xinchuan
Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself